first update
Hi guys!!
This is our second blog post and the first one in english. I hope you all do good at home (or wherever you are right now) as we´ve actually some news to talk about. After our first post we went to Rotorua which is a nice city that´s unfortunately pretty touristic. Nevertheless it´s interesting ´cause it still has some geothermal activities what leads to the fact that there are all geysers around the place (even in the middle of the city!) and the hole area smells strongly like sulfur. At this night we stayed at a beautiful campsite, just hills, trees and a river nearby, pure nature. On the next day we went directly to Napier because we were told that from here and from Hastings (neighbor town, 15 km away) the berries come from. The registrated at ¨PickNZ¨ to find a job here. PickNZ is an agency that brings together workers and employers. However, we were told that it can last days or maybe weeks until we get a call that they have work for us, and they can´t even guarrantee it all. Great, but we wanted a job now. Mmh, what should we do? As lucky as we were at this moment, not even one hour late we got the call that we could start working at an apple farm immediately! So the very next day we started ¨apple thinning¨. Basically we just remove apples when there are too many in one tree and also the bad ones. The work is really hard as we work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day exept for sunday when we´ve our day of. As i said, really tough work! And you have to be so damn fast! But we´re getting better every day, hoping that we make good money here. So, that´s what we do now for the last 5 days and at least until christmas.
Ok, so far our updates right now,
Lovely greetz to everyone & peace out,
pidrik am 14. Dezember 14
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